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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Death Mask not quite yet available

I was about to announce that Steve Glossin's second published thriller has been brought out on Kindle, and, in fact, Death Mask was brought out by Amazon a couple of days ago. But when I claimed my copy (in Kindle-for-PC format), the cover didn't come with the book, so a bit of scrambling is underway to correct the situation. Stay tuned.
    But, in the meantime, Steve informed me that I had chosen the same new blog template for Moristotle that he had selected for his Prophecy of the Medallion blog. I probably didn't notice it because Steve and I chose much different looks in the sidebar. And I had quickly changed my main background color from the default color to the same dark green Moristotle has had since almost "forever"(#2F4F4F).
    Hmm, I wonder whether Steve has noticed the similarity between that color and the "turquoise" (#3D6658) in Death Mask. (Of course, to a better eye than mine, they may not look that "similar"; the code numbers aren't that close.)


  1. I'm still working on resolving the cover problem. You'll be the first to know, after me, when it is working. I hadn't noticed the eyes and your page color being almost the same.

  2. Wonderful content! It's good for any new blogger such as us.

  3. Anonymous, really? What particular content do you mean? Perhaps the implication that one can change the background color on one's own?
        Blogger thought your comment was spam, by the way. I wonder about that too.
