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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thor's Day: Much pomp and little circumstance

Aren't those Swiss Guard
uniforms spiffy?
Let's not watch the charade

By motomynd

So, have you had enough of the American news media being agog over the premature retirement of the old pope and the quest for the new pope? Even National Public Radio's Diane Rehm, an astute woman who normally has her thumb firmly on the pulse of what matters to Americans, has devoted time to this nearly pointless and irrelevant charade.
    Monday an NPR report devoted to handicapping the chances of the top American candidates becoming the next pope, described one of them as being "hyperactive with a short attention span," and the other as being "painfully shy and gets sick if he sees a camera." So the top two American candidates to be the next pope would basically be unqualified to run a scout troop or a neighborhood watch group—how awe inspiring is that? At least it shines a bright light on the real versus imagined importance of the position.
    Tuesday morning NPR quoted the results of a study that revealed something like 85% of American "Catholics" disagreed with the church's official position against birth control, and 75% were against its stance on gay rights. We would ask the obvious question about how 75-85% of "practicing Catholics" in America could be against two of the church's most strident guidelines, but then we too would be among the media wasting time and space on this irrelevance.

Memo to the mainstream American media: The next pope will have no more moral, social, psychological, and financial impact on the behavior of Americans than if Justin Bieber cancels his concerts for the entire year or if Peyton Manning suddenly and inexplicably retires from being the quarterback of the Denver Broncos. So please quit wasting time on this exercise in irrelevance and cover something important.
Copyright © 2013 by motomynd

Please comment


  1. Most of the time I wouldn't give a damn about comments, which are more rant than substance. However, once they are removed---it does make me wonder, what did they said to get

    You're right Moto, I found our discussion about Cali much more interesting.

    1. It wasn't a rant or anything, just a piece of spam that failed to get picked up by the filters. I was going to try to save the deleted comment to the spam folder,then COMPLETELY delete the comment above so that the "has been removed" note would no longer appear. But I'm going to have to leave it now! <smile>

  2. Darn, I was hoping it was a rant. I was eager for a debate with someone supporting a religion with a darker track record than the mafia. When people say they are shocked about the Catholic church's lack of action against child molesters, I tell them to do a little research on the church's record in support of torture and other mayhem over the centuries. Looking at the overall record it is easy to see why they consider child molesting no big deal.
