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Parting Words from Moristotle (07/31/2023)
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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Moristotle and the missus do the state fair

The HR department where I work announced recently that today would be State Employees Recognition Day at the North Carolina State Fair. The price of admission, only four "canned items."
    What the heck? I couldn't remember exactly when we last went to the state fair. Maybe 1995, when our daughter was helping run a mobile tack shop there for an equestrian company out of Memphis. We decided why not, and I let my boss know I would be taking the day off to go.
    I told a few people we were going, and they asked me whether I'd try any of the new culinary treats we've been hearing about, like chocolate-covered bacon (that's right!) and deep-fried Ho Ho’s (a Hostess product, "a gooey hot chocolate filled cake on a stick," according to a local news site). I said, no, I didn't expect to, but I planned to take my camera and try to snap other people trying them.
    So this morning we loaded up our canned items and my camera and took off for Raleigh, about forty miles away. The traffic wasn't bad. It would get worse this afternoon, before this evening's unfortunate college football game in Chapel Hill.
    As we approached the fairgrounds, it was clear that even though it was a weekday, the place was going to be fairly crowded. A lot of other state employees had come out, I guessed.
    My wife turned right and as we passed busy parking lots left and right, I said, "You sure we don't want to just turn around and...?"
    She continued on a little ways and I said, "You know, we really could just go on back home. I'm serious. You want to?"
    "Yes!" she said. And off we went. It was about the most "happy" we've had at a state fair.


  1. I was hoping you would try the chocolate covered bacon... what will they think of next!

  2. I'm sure it will be something even more outlandish <smile>.
