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Monday, June 11, 2012

More day colors of Lily

These photos were taken last Thursday. I don't know how I managed not to take any photos of my wife's yellow Day Lilies (one word on Wikipedia, which see for more photos).
    If retirement offers me nothing else of interest to do today (ha!), then I'll stalk the yellows. (But note that the four below all have significant yellow in their pallette.)



  1. A quantum leap in your flower photography!

    1. Ken, thanks for "quantum leap" in (I assume) the popular sense of a huge advance (rather than in the physics sense of a very small leap indeed)!
          The only thing I can think of that might explain the "huge advance" is that, because of a comment you recently made about the spoiling effect of shadows, I deliberately selected only the day lily photos without (or with hardly perceptible) shadows—another example of your tutelage's making a difference.

  2. Very nice detail and excellent capturing of the soft colors. When you do need to combat shadows, you could try a little fill flash from the camera or use a white fill card (or just a piece of white cardboard) to reflect some sunlight onto the flowers from below.

    1. Motomynd, you know the famous reply, "I knew that!" Well, I could say that but it would be pretty stupid, for why didn't I use the knowledge!? Thanks for reminding me that "I knew that"!
