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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Correspondence: Ironies of white extinction anxiety

Edited by Moristotle

[Items of correspondence are not attributed; they remain anonymous. They have been chosen for their inherent interest as journalism, story, or provocative opinion, which may or may not be shared by the editor or other members of the staff of Moristotle & Co.]

Moristotle, don’t skip the comments on Charles M. Blow’s June 24 essay in the NY Times; they’re as informative as the article: “White Extinction Anxiety.” Opening paragraphs:
Last week Pat Buchanan was on “The Laura Ingraham Show” to discuss the humanitarian crisis Donald Trump has created at the border by ripping children away from their parents.
    He was not particularly sympathetic to these families’ plights, instead choosing to focus on the demographic danger facing whiteness: “This is the great issue of our time. And, the real question is whether Europe has the will and the capacity, and America has the capacity to halt the invasion of the countries until they change the character — political, social, racial, ethnic — character of the country entirely.” [read more]
Buchanan is saying that Western civilization (which was invented by the Greeks and Italians) is only for northern white Europeans. So what do northern white Europeans do to preserve their power? They turn to fascism. They turn to racism. They turn to hatred. And they are supposed to be the civilized ones?

To my knowledge, the minorities we seem to be concerned about never enslaved the white population or deprived them of the right to vote or any other right. They did not cause the Civil War, World War I, or World War II. They did not cause the stock market crash of 1929, the subsequent depression, or the financial disaster of the first part of this century. They did not march in Charlottesville with torches. They did not carry out the mass executions in our schools. They have not tried to take health insurance away from anyone. Exactly why do we fear these people?

A diverse population will make intermarriages possible, and their offspring will eventually produce the glowing skin tone of Stéfi Celma, who plays the agency receptionist Sofia in the French TV series Call My Agent.

If the Third World is “invading” the West maybe that’s because the West has long been invading the Third World. What goes around comes around as they say, and today’s immigration from the Third World to the West is nothing but the equal and opposite reaction to yesterday's colonialism of the Third World by the West.

Immigrants do not change America: America changes immigrants. For Pete’s sake, racists, read the research. The values by which we live are in no danger whatsoever – except from those who like to believe they are in danger.
    And why do they imagine that? Because they have forgotten that their ancestors too were once a “threat” to someone, somewhere. Because they have forgotten the values that brought their ancestors here in the first place.
    C’mon. Get over it. My two adopted children, born in Africa, are the future of America (part of it) and believe me they are only making our nation stronger, saner, fairer, kinder and ever more like it should be.

It’s ironic that the ultra Westerner, defying the public interest with guns to protect his traditional freedom to do whatever he wants, is dead set against his own assimilation into America’s developing culture.

What Trump’s aMErica FIRST slogan really means for him and many who support him is: “F--- you. I’m looking out for myself.”

At the heart of things, what people of all races fear is not the color of immigrants but the thought that those immigrants will resist assimilation and consequently change the essential character of the life we have become accustomed to. Every ethnic group that has embraced American culture and values has become part of the mainstream and I have no doubt that will continue. All people who trade exclusively in color-based racism miss the point entirely and are doomed to failure and extinction.

Mr. Buchanan, like the NRA, represents people who don’t believe in the American story. This country for generations has taken immigrants from all over the world and, through the strength of our Constitution and the rule of law, turned them all into Americans. Buchanan and his nativist sorts never believed in the power of law. They believe our success came from Anglo roots. They couldn’t be more wrong. Look at the combined economies of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California and you will see this bi-national, bi-cultural economy is proof of the American way.

Civilizations that do not embrace change die out. People who cling to a fantasy rather than accept reality die out. It is the way things are. So instead of effectively committing cultural suicide by resisting change, wouldn’t it be better to accept it and, in the end, grow?

Diversity plus intolerance equals weakness.
    But diversity plus tolerance equals strength.
    Trump continues to make America weak again.

The white masters didn’t seem to mind having blacks around so long as they were slaves.
    They tolerated the Chinese so long as they did twice as much work on the railroads for half as much money.
    They tolerated the Italians when they dug the subways under New York.
    They didn’t mind having hispanic servants so long as they paid them minimum wages (or less) and they didn’t vote.
    Didn’t mind sending young blacks to die in Vietnam while the elite whites stayed home.
    They never had any use for the native Americans.
    They never liked the Jews and only tolerate the rich ones who make big donations to the Republican party (for their business interests).

A new website that lets people delve into data on the world’s cities has been launched. Dr. Robert Muggah from the think-tank Instituto Igarapé showed the BBC some of his favourite maps from EarthTime.

“White House in Panic Mode After TV Star with Racist Twitter Feed Loses Job” [Andy Borowitz, The New Yorker, May 29]. Opening:
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—The White House was reportedly in panic mode Tuesday afternoon, shortly after news broke that a television star with a racist Twitter feed had been fired.
    According to a White House source, Donald J. Trump immediately huddled with close advisers to discuss the firing, which, staffers agreed, “set an ominous new precedent.” [read more]
“The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” –Jack Kerouac

Grateful for correspondence, Moristotle


  1. I thought Pat Buchanan was dead, I guess even the devil is picky.

    1. Loved your comment, which I read first as anonymous in the Comments area of the back room of the blog (where only administrators are allowed to go), where the identities of commenters are not provided. I thought I recognized Roger Owens's style in the comment and really expected to see his name about the comment here. I was genuinely surprised not to see it. But I immediately realized that, of course, it sounds like you too!
