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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Boldt Words & Images: Are you in Holosync?

By Bob Boldt

[Notice: This is in no way intended as a commercial for Centerpointe, Holosync, or Bill Harris.]

Fifteen years ago, Ex-Wife #1 sent me a packet of CD’s that introduced me to an interesting system of meditation called Holosync. The promise was that you would immediately begin to “meditate as deeply (actually more deeply) than an experienced Zen monk, literally at the touch of a button.” (No kidding.) The program promised to allow you to instantly begin achieving the kind of deep meditative states formerly achieved only by adepts after years of spiritual practice. That promise seemed too good to be true, and like most similar claims, that proved to be the case.
    Founder Bill Harris spent decades analyzing various forms of meditation and the kinds of brain waves that such practices produced. The theory was that, if there were an artificial, acoustical way of producing the same deep brain waves, the subject could achieve instant “enlightenment” heretofore achieved only through long years of intense practice.
    It is not my purpose here to either support or debunk the system but only to detail my experience. In the Holosync system, you are expected to enroll in a succession of more and more wonderful and expensive steps that guide you to deeper and deeper levels of meditative bliss. I only got to the third level before I quit. I had the feeling it was a little scammy, like Scientology only without the turd at the end of the rainbow.

[This Scientology-scam presentation is in no way intended as a reflection or commentary on some of the more exaggerated claims of Centerpointe.]

The Holosync system is not without some rather remarkable benefits, however. The programs all involve the use of discrete stereo headphones to ensure that audio signals reach the appropriate hemispheres of the brain. In addition to the meditation assist, there are CD’s that increase concentration and audio tracks that also promote creativity. As I said, I left the program after subscribing to three steps. I have had some rather deep, intense experiences in Zen, Transcendental Meditation (TM), and Vipassana meditation, and I felt the Holosync system never came close to these experiences. Of course, I make no claims about anyone else’s experience, only my own.
    With regard to the concentration and creativity tracks, I have found them quite effective. The concentration track is especially useful when trying to read in distracting environments like airports, restaurants, waiting rooms, etc. where the ambient noise might detract. The creative track can be quite useful in writing.

An hour’s meditation compressed to two minutes

You may be wondering why, since I have had such disappointing results, I continue to use the headphones and the meditation track in my regular, daily meditation. All the tracks use sounds of tubular bells, surf, white noise, and wind sounds to mask the deep-state producing audio sounds. When I meditate I still use the Holosync track and headphones. The audio helps mask any intruding sounds from my environment. The track length (one hour) gives me an easy method for timing my meditation. Anyone who has meditated can appreciate how time varies. Sometimes an hour meditation seems like four, and sometimes it seems to pass in ten minutes or less. The Holosync track serves as a great timer.

I need not proclaim the benefits of meditation for anyone who has tried the practice for any extended period of time. Even though I cannot say I have reached even close to some of the previously achieved deep states, I still find immeasurable benefits. This is going to sound like a textbook description of the values of meditation. For me it is no exception. I find regular morning meditation to be a really great way to begin my day in a highly vital yet serene mood. No matter what may be troubling me, meditation is an hour-long mini-vacation from impending concerns, attachments, and preoccupations. Meditation gives me a sense of joy and deep satisfaction that I can tap into anytime throughout my day. Negative things just don’t phase me, and, as anyone can tell you, these days there are many negative things competing for attention. I also fancy it helps with my ability to focus and concentrate.
    I must say there have been definite benefits resulting from my discovery of Holosync – maybe not all that was promised, but certainly there is something of value worth exploring.
    The next technology I hope to try is the hypnagogic-light device. It is guaranteed to get the pineal gland to release DMT (Dimethyltryptamine, a powerful psychedelic compound). Wish me luck!

Copyright © 2017 by Bob Boldt


  1. Fascinating piece Bob. I have been "trying to meditate" for years. It's funny how I can seem to do all kinds of things that most people would find arduous or unpleasant, but I can't stick with meditation. I completely understand (I think) the many benefits, and I am also convinced it will help me come to grips with the fact that my concepts of "self" are an illusion. Nonetheless, there is always something else I want to do. My ego gets the better of me. You've inspired me though: I will keep trying. I would be very curious to hear about your experience with the light device. Best of luck!

  2. As Yoda said, "There is no 'try' only 'do'"
    Read a little about any kind of meditation technique that appeals to you and just begin. I would recommend only 15-20 minutes a day at first. The hardest part, and the part I still most struggle with is judging the meditation. First is to govern the body to be able to sit in one place for a predetermined length of time. No easy task at first. Then to sit with your 'monkey mind' running all around. Just let it. It will eventually learn who is boss and will be calmed by your mantra, or your Zen silence, or your Holosync sounds, or whatever you are using. Learning to control the mind is one of the most liberating things I have ever experienced. Most people think the mind is the master. Meditation has taught me mind is my servant. Good luck. And don't try--do!
