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Saturday, January 9, 2021

Poetry & Portraits: Theseus

Drawing by Susan C. Price

By Eric Meub

[Originally published on June 14, 2014]

The king gave me protection, and the god
the body of an ad for underwear,
but on the docks of Troezen in a fraud
of both I tempted every sailor there.

A gray-haired captain who had bowed before
my father’s throne now cruised me through the fog
about the ships. I watched him jump to shore,
all muscles, then I led him like a dog.

Winter slapped the lines against the mast
he pinned me to. He slipped a tiny head
into my hand—a horse head sea charm cast
in bronze—to save me from myself, he said.

I murdered all my way to Athens, grim
as Neptune, just to shake the smell of him.

Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2020 by Susan C. Price & Eric Meub
Eric Meub, architect, lives and practices in Pasadena, the adopted brother of the artist, Susan C. Price. They respect, in their different ways, the line.


  1. I’ve read this poem many times, and I’m still unsure what to make of it. This morning, I hazard the following interpretation:

    The gray-haired captain, acting at the behest of Theseus’ father the King, let’s Theseus lure him to shore, where he indulges his own private urges before lashing Theseus to the mast to “cure” him for his father by having members of the crew join him in frequently raping Theseus before releasing him. It didn’t work, of course. Not something one can “be cured” of.

  2. Enjoyed both the rhythm and energy of your writing. Thanks.
