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Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Goines On: His willed power

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Goines didn’t celebrate Christmas for its religious significance. Thinking about his upbeat spirits one holiday morning, he saw that he did, though, celebrate Christmas for the people it brought to mind, from cards received, memories evoked.
    He acknowledged 2022’s particular contribution to be the spark provided him by his encounter with a certain “life coach,” whose gift of her book bore a touching inscription testifying that the encounter with him had sparked her too.
    Somehow, a big truth of life – of his psychology, anyway, as Goines understood it – jumped out from that encounter: the power of his will to feel upbeat, to be upbeat, to be patient, to “do it now,” to get it done, to celebrate continuously, to love, to reach out, to be himself open to be reached out to...and on and on, gifts abounding, redounding, and ever rebounding.

Copyright © 2023 by Moristotle

1 comment:

  1. Well, since no one else is commenting on the latest "Goines On" vignette, let me weigh in: Goines' reference to a "certain 'life coach'" is, of course (I think), to same life coach that I interviewed a few weeks back: Alexandra Dotcheva. Maybe someone will tell us they have purchased a copy of her book and are finding it similarly inspirational? Alexandra (and I) would be pleased to hear that. But, then, I know it has been busy in other offices besides mine, and 2023 still has a lot of days in it for ordering and reading books.
