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Monday, May 27, 2013

Fourth Monday Susan Speaks

Dance class musings

By Susan C. Price

Oh GOD!!! (Morris’s beliefs not withstanding), it’s time to put thoughts to blank paper...again!! Not ethics...just musings on human behavior...ALWAYS a fascination…when i’m not too busy watching myself exclusively.
    And...now i am fully retired...and it’s...different. Somewhat as fun as I’d hoped. Mostly, i think about improvements to the world, the small things and the large. Since I CLEARLY know how everything should be.

    Everyday I at least THINK about doing something that could be termed "exercise." And my silly mind and desire to improve everyone and everything...gets its own little "workout."

Some "set the scene" information on the Zumba/dance classes i take a few times each week:

    The Zumba/dance teacher stands at the front of the room on a small "stage" less than 3 feet off the main dance floor. The class stands/dances in 5 rows facing him and facing the mirrors that cover the front wall of the studio. The teacher leads us in song-length dance patterns that use various music and dance styles to give us an aerobic workout.
    I have always assumed that one would stand in the front row, nearest the teacher, only if you felt you could serve as an example to the dancers in all the rows behind you. I (so well behaved) always stand in the back...so that if I tire or can't do the full movement...i wont bother or confuse the other students.

The other day, I noticed that the 3 students in front could barely follow the teacher: not his steps, nor his arm movements, they did not dance with the correct style (depending on the music, it could be Latin, or Hip Hop, or Bollywood...)...no flair...let alone serve as "example dancers." And, the teacher has mentioned that he gets some of his energy from us students and when the "front line" is not smiling, not enthusiastic…it brings his energy level down and therefore the whole class level down. I kept thinking that my old girl self should get up on that stage and show and tell them how to behave. (endless Wilhemina Mitty fantasies)
    Again, i saw these students behavior as "entitled" and unfair and I saw them as not showing the proper consideration for others. And yet...again...as i think about it...
    I’m guessing their internal monologue could go something like this:

I am here early, so I am entitled to first pick of where to stand, I can see the teacher clearly/better up front, I can see myself in the mirror without having to distinguish my figure from the others, I can place my water bottle and small towel conveniently on the floor right in front of me and not off to the side or way in the back (cus it’s out of everyone's way at the foot of the stage), and, if I don’t feel like smiling and "whoo-hooing" I won’t...as i have paid for this class...and can take/give whatever I want from it....
And once again, i realize...sadly...i don’t know everything and i should not be in charge...Time for some Chocolate.
Copyright © 2013 by Susan C. Price

Please comment


  1. Because you realize that you don't know everything is precisely why you should be in charge. All in favor...
