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Saturday, November 2, 2013

First Saturday as the World Turns

The 2014 election

By Ed Rogers

[This is the first of Ed Rogers's new monthly column.]

It would seem that for all practical purposes the “Tea Party” has shot itself in the foot—both feet to be correct. However, many things need to happen before you will be able to call the beast dead.
    First, they need to lose the backing of the big-money people. Some believe that because big business and Wall Street were unhappy with the shutdown and pushing the country to the edge of default, they will no longer support the Tea Party. Whom will they support? They are not going to become Democrats and they don’t like to back losers. If the polls say the Tea Party candidate will beat the local Republican, that is where their money will go. This is not a small group of crazy people playing at taking over the government. This is a group of people who believe they have been sent by God to turn America back to the Christian Values it was founded upon.
    The extreme Muslims believe that they, too, were called in the same way as the extreme Christians. In their respective places of worship, Christians and Muslims alike are bombarded with how sinful the world has become. These people are no longer asked to pray for sinners, they are told to condemn them. These groups are set to cast out the sinners—those who have spit upon their God must be defeated, by any means and at any cost.
    We have declared war on one of these groups—the extreme Muslims. However, the extreme Christians have done much more damage to the country and have the ability to destroy our system of government and replace it with a Bible-thumbing interpretation of the Constitution. So, what is to be done with the enemy from within?

It will take a President and a Congress with a lot bigger balls than are in DC at present. We are at war and no one seems to know what to do about it. The other side is winning. They look upon us non-Tea Party people as the enemy. They aren’t concerned about party lines, if you aren’t a true believer you’re not one of them; therefore, you must be cast out.
    They haven’t started stoning or whipping women yet, nor have they chopped off heads. Unless you would like to call the last elections a form of public executions? The Tea Party are purging themselves of those who preached reason and, not unlike the extreme Muslims, they have replaced reason and facts with a non-reality born from a belief in doing God’s will.
    In our attempt to keep church and state separate, the government has been afraid to attack the enemies of the state who hide behind the doors of a church. That includes all religions. No church, temple, or any other place of worship should be allowed to preach against the state and still enjoy the benefits offered by that institution. They are free to get together and say whatever they want to say, support whomever they want. However, those of us who do not believe their way, should not have to pick up the tax bill for them. If they want to save souls, then they should stick with saving souls. If, however, they want to elect someone to a public office, or support a new law, or try to overturn an old law, then the church is no longer dealing in religion, but has become a political movement. Everything it does, all properties it owns, all money it collects should be subject to taxes.
    Public communication outlets should not be allowed to broadcast a person’s beliefs in one God or any religion. All the people of the United States own the airways and should not have to listen to unwanted preaching by a candidate running for a public office. If they are so proud of their religion, then they should open a church, not run for an office and promise to represent all the people.

The hope or belief that 2014 will bring about the downfall of this religious movement is folly.
    The Republican Party is the only hope the country has to save ourselves. The Democrats in the districts that are now controlled by the other party need to set aside their wants and beliefs. They have to support the Republican candidate against a common enemy. These districts give the strength that drives the radicals and puts them in places of power. The food source needs to be cut off and only by purging the Republican Party can that happen.
    Will locking the insane out of the process put an end to the craziness? I doubt it will, but it will bring back in control men and women who believe in the rights of all the citizens of the United States. That is the best we can hope to accomplish.
Copyright © 2013 by Ed Rogers

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  1. Ed, good post.

    Side note: My novel Trip Wire, written under the pen name J Randall and edited by Morris Dean, is free today and tomorrow at the Amazon Kindle store. If any of your readers are interested, click on the link and take a look.

    1. Steve I just finished 'The Imam of the cave'. I enjoyed it very much. Good writing and a page turner. Just downloaded Trip Wire.

    2. Ed, I'm glad you enjoyed it. My novels wouldn't be what they are without the excellent recomendations and editing from Morris.

  2. Religion in American politics is as old as European incursions in the New World. Yale University Press in 2003 published James Morone's Hellfire Nation, http://www.amazon.com/Hellfire-Nation-Politics-American-History/dp/0300105177/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1383415607&sr=1-1&keywords=hellfire+nation, which chronicled the ebb and flow of "faith based" politics since colonial times.

    I fear the best we can hope for from the 2014 elections is an impasse. As Ed notes the money goes to whoever seems likely to win. At the moment the Repugs are bumbling and stumbling, but never discount the Democrats ability to seize defeat from the jaws of victory. It's going to be a long twelve months.
