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Saturday, March 11, 2023

As Soon as Gotten

By Pat Hamilton

No sooner had I gotten my second wind than I broke it.

Copyright © 2023 by Pat Hamilton
Pat Hamilton has written three novels, hundreds of songs, and a handful of book reviews for the papers. He taught College English for 30 years, which helps him blend popular and classic literature in his writing. As an Army brat, he traveled the USA and Europe before settling into the beauty of Tennessee, but the rock star he used to be still lives on inside him.


  1. Paddy, I’ve been feeling a bit windy myself lately.

  2. A quote from The New Yale Book of Quotations:

    Elizabeth I
    English queen, 1533-1603

    3 [Remark to Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford, after he had returned from a seven-year voluntary exile because of embarrassing flatulence he had experienced in the queen's presence:] 
    My Lord, I had forgot the fart. 

    Quoted in John Aubrey, Brief Lives (1690)

  3. Good Bess's remark lends credence to the widely held belief that de Vere, Earl of Oxford, wrote the works attributed to the hick from Stratford. Also, let's henceforth address each other as "My Lord."

    1. Paddy, I apologize for noticing this weeks-old comment for moderation only a few minutes ago today. Whoever made it did so the very next day after my quotation from The New Yale Book of Quotations. I apologize all around.
