His cell phone made a startling, eerie sound as he was chewing his first mouthful of lunch. He struggled to extract the phone from a thigh pocket.
“Damn those amber alerts!” he said to his wife, whose phone was now sounding as well.
“Humph,” he said, “it’s a severe thunderstorm warning. Hey, we might get some rain!”
Still thinking about amber alerts and how often they sounded, he asked his wife whether she thought they actually helped.
“I think they do. They help locate the vehicle that somebody’s child has been abducted in.”
His phone rang. “Hold that thought,” he said, “it’s our daughter.”
“Dad, Sally’s been abducted. A neighbor got their license plate, and we’ve requested an amber alert.”
Copyright © 2023 by Moristotle |
Someone asked me who Sally was. I think he was too used to reading some others of my fictions that stay close to the facts of my own life through the final paragraph. In this case, however, I left the story after the next-to-next-to-last paragraph.