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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Surviving on Little

Learning Faith and Love in a Box of Sunshine

By Victor L. Midyett

Recently Shirley made the comment to me that, “We know how to survive on little.” I got to thinking about that and realized that it was mostly my missionary upbringing [see “Missionary Kid” stories] that taught me how to survive on little.
    As a missionary family in India in the 50s we didn’t “have much,” but I seemed not to know this. We had what we needed and if we wanted more, we just waited, is my memory. A care package from America, sometimes from a church, but mostly from my Aunt Marie, always seemed to arrive at the right time. It was so exciting, like having more than one Christmas a year. It always produced bonuses like candy and chewing gum. My aunt Marie loved to chew gum and I think she thought the whole world needed to also. She sure knew it would please kids.
    My sister would put a long-worn-out piece of chewed gum on her bed head at night and whack it back into her mouth the next morning to go at it for a week! I’m serious! Ha! (But then, as a brother, it was my job to question her grip on reality anyway.)
    The point is that with negatives I also got some huge positives from my upbringing that most people might not recognize or realize, and I am very thankful for that. It still helps me in my older age to remember gratitude and acceptance, but mostly faith and love.

Copyright © 2020 by Victor L. Midyett

1 comment:

  1. Belatedly speaking, THANK YOU, Vic, for kicking in with a “Victor L. Midyett,” which is my term for one of your serious, or philosophical pieces. As either a traveler, a missionary kid, a humorist, or a very serious guy indeed, you are much appreciated!
